Acceptable Computer Use

The Canby Public Library provides access to a broad range of information resources, including those available through the Internet. The library makes this service available as part of its mission to provide free and open access to information of all types in a wide range of formats for library users of all ages and backgrounds. The Internet is a global electronic network of ideas, images and commentary that may enhance resources already available in the library. However, the library cannot control the information available over the Internet and is not responsible for its content. Some sources provide information that is inaccurate, incomplete or dated; some sources may be offensive, disturbing, and/or illegal. 

The Canby Public Library upholds the rights of all library users to read, seek information and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment, regardless of format or technology. These are fundamental rights in a democratic society and are core values of the library. 

All users must comply with signup and time limitations in order to allow all users an opportunity to use the equipment. 

All users must respect the privacy of other users and not attempt to censor or comment upon what others are viewing. 

The Library's Rules of Conduct and pertinent state, federal, and local laws apply to all library users. Library computers and Wi-Fi may not be used for any illegal activity including, but not limited to:  

  • Damaging or altering computer equipment, systems or software  
  • Displaying, printing or sending any material that is illegal, libelous, threatening or harassing  
  • Downloading or installing any harmful program defined as, but not limited to, spyware, viruses, Trojans, malware, or any other illegal utility on any computer  
  • Violating copyright or trademark laws, software licensing agreements or intellectual property rights  
  • Exposing other individuals to materials or images they find personally unsuitable. 

Users engaging in these activities may lose computer privileges and/or be asked to leave the library. Library staff may summon law enforcement authorities. 

Libraries provide access to the information people need or want, regardless of the format in which that information appears. Content available on the Internet has the same Constitutional protections that apply to the books on libraries’ shelves. The Canby Public Library supports the American Library Association in defending the First Amendment rights of children to use libraries. The library recognizes that if today's children are to succeed as adults, they must learn information literacy skills for every resource. This includes the use of the Internet. The Canby Public Library supports the American Library Association’s belief that educating children to use the Internet wisely is their best protection, now and in the future. Computers in the children’s area and in the teen room have limited filters. However, parents need to be aware that the use of filters may give parents a false sense their children are protected when this is not the case. Filters are not effective in blocking all "objectionable" material, and they do not protect against other interactive aspects of the Internet. The library encourages parents to decide with their children how to use libraries and believes it is the parent’s responsibility to care for, instruct, protect and monitor the behavior of their own children. 

Each patron using their LINCC library card is granted 90 minutes of Internet access on the library’s public computers and two 15 minute extensions if there are no pending reservations. Each patron is expected to use his or her own library card when logging on to a computer. Visitors who do not have a library card may receive an internet guest pass. Guest passes are limited to 30 minutes. No visitor may receive more than one guest pass per day. If other computers are available, extra time may be allowed if the patron is in the process of: 

  • Seeking employment 
  • Paying taxes 
  • Taking an examination 

The library's computers are set up for use by a single individual. A maximum of two persons may sit/work together at any one computer. 

The library may also issue a computer-use-only card if the patron does not qualify for a regular library card. 

Computers at the Canby Public Library are shared resources. The following guidelines apply for public use of computers to ensure fair and equal access for all:  

Public computers are available to users on a first-come first-served basis.  

  • Each user must use his or her library card, or a guest pass, to reserve a computer. Use of another person’s library card number is not allowed for computer access.  
  • Computer session length: 
    • Adult computers 90 minute sessions. If there is no one waiting, session lengths may be extended. Patrons will be granted two 15 minute extensions if there are no pending reservations. 
    • Teen computers 60 minutes 
    • Children’s computers 60 minutes 
    • There is no time limit for catalog stations. 
  • All computers in the designated children’s area are only for use by children age 12 and younger. 
  • Computers in the Teen Room are only for use by youth in grades 6-12.  
  • Adult computers are only for use by adults.  
  • All computers reserved for special purposes (such as children’s use, catalog searches) may not be used for any other purpose.  
  • Users may not perform any action that might damage the computer equipment or make it inoperable, such as downloading or installing any harmful program.  
  • Anyone using library computers may not violate copyright or trademark laws, software licensing agreements, or intellectual property rights.  
  • Users should notify library staff if the computer equipment or peripherals are not functioning properly.  
  • Computer users must use headphones when listening to audio on any computer (including personal laptops) and keep the volume to a level that does not disturb those nearby.  
  • Users may be limited to one person per computer station, at the discretion of library staff.  
  • Work saved on Canby Public Library computers is automatically erased when a patron logs off. To save documents, patrons must copy it to a flash (aka “thumb”) drive or upload it to an online storage service.  
  • The Canby Public Library is not responsible for any damage or loss of data arising from the use of its computers or network. 

The Canby Public Library may withhold computer privileges from anyone who does not comply with the above procedures or who are barred from the Library due to violation(s) of the Library’s Rules for Behavior. 

The Canby Public Library provides wireless Internet access to our patrons for use on laptops or other wireless-enabled mobile devices for web and email access. As with most public wireless “hot spots,” the library’s wireless connection is not secure. Cautious and informed wireless users should not transmit credit card information, passwords and other sensitive personal information while using any wireless “hot spot.”  

  • Wireless users must comply with all provisions of the Canby Public Library Internet Policy. Any activities deemed illegal are considered violations, regardless of whether a patron is on a Library-owned computer or the patron’s own computer.  
  • The library is not responsible for any information (i.e. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to a patron’s hardware or software due to power surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking. All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their laptop computers or wireless devices. The user is responsible for anti-virus and security protection.  
  • Laptop computer users must be considerate of patrons nearby and refrain from excessive noise, including the playing of music or movies on the laptop without the use of headphones.  
  • The library is not responsible for laptops left unattended.