Why Locate Here?

  • Collaborative, business-friendly environment
  • Industrial Sites and Buildings
  • Commercial Sites and Buildings
  • Office Sites and Buildings
  • Competitive rates 
  • Robust, affordable and locally-owned utilities
  • Workforce Demographics
  • Accessibility: I-5, I-205, 99E, rail
  • A trained and ready workforce 
  • Location Location Location: three maps that place Canby in the context of nearby Communities, State, and Region.

Transportation Attributes


Accessibility: Canby is very accessible and well served by a variety of transportation options. Getting raw materials, products, services and customers to Canby is easy.

Interstate Access: Interstate 5 is a four lane limited access freeway just 5 miles from Canby and has two freeway entrances that expedite connections north or south.

Highway 99E also connects Canby to I-205 (another four lane limited access freeway) is just 9 miles to the east. This direct and uncongested route expedites travel to the Portland International Airport, the marine terminals at the Port of Portland, and other points north.

Airports: The award winning Portland International Airport is located just 28 miles from Canby. It provides domestic and international flights from 13 carriers (See Airlines) as well as air cargo service with 18 carriers (See Cargo.) The Aurora General Aviation Airport is located 5 miles from Canby and provides two runways, three fixed base operators and several large aviation manufacturers (See Aurora).

Rail: The Union Pacific Mainline runs through Canby and a local short line operator, Oregon Pacific Railroad provides access. There are several sites adjacent to the Rail line with spur options available. If this is of interest, arrangements could be explored for providing rail shipping options. The Molalla Branch serves Canby (See Details).

Deepwater Ports: The Port of Portland Marine Terminal is 28 miles away via Interstate 5. More information on port services can be found here.