City Council Roles & Responsibilities

City Council is comprised of seven members, a Mayor and six Councilor positions, including a Council President. The Mayor presides over Council meetings and the Council President may perform mayoral duties in the Mayor's absence.

At each biennial general election, the Mayor is elected for a two year term.  The City Council members are elected at large, to staggered four year terms of office, through a general election. If a position is vacated before the term of office is completed, it is filled by special appointment of the Council.

Responsibilities of the City Council include identifying problems and needs within the community and establishing community goals and objectives to meet those needs. Council members represent the City's interests regionally, and as members of the budget committee, they participate in annual fiscal planning and budgeting.

The City Council members also serve as the Urban Renewal Agency Board. The Urban Renewal Agency meets on an as needed basis.